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Active Duty Mamas: Army Sergeant Robin.

May is Military appreciation month. To celebrate all our hard-working military members and family I wanted to talk to some bad ass active duty mama's and some army wives. 

Today we are talking to active duty mama Army Sergeant Robin. She took some time to sit down and tell us what it is like to serve and breastfeed.  


Does being active duty effect your breastfeeding relationship? 

Active does affect my breastfeeding relationship sometimes because they are so much demands and duties that the we must complete with suspense times and dates, sometimes the day can go by and oops! Full boobs and forgot to pump. "Hope my milk supply isn't affected for today!" is what I think to myself. It's so much pressure that I have considered giving up as I have been pumping and feeding for 11 months now.  


Do you feel supported at work? 

I mostly feel supported for the fact that there are now mandatory policies in places for Us breastfeeding moms in the service. Our supervisors must allow us a certain amount of time at a minimum of three times a day...they CANNOT tell us no. We are also allowed now to breastfeed in uniform!!! Times have changed!! 


What do you want others to know? 

I want others to know that it is completely possible to be in the military and be a mom AND breastfeed, we are officially supported ...however, this does not suppress the stress, worried and hard work you will have to put in. You will have three jobs. Soldier, breastfeeding and pumping, and being mom...not in that order 😉 


Thanks for all you do for us Robin, you are a true hero!!! Want to send your love and gratitude to Robin? Pop it in the comments below.  

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