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5 tips for breastfeeding moms during the holidays.

The holidays are upon us. Whether you are a first time mom or a seasoned pro, it can be a busy time. Add breastfeeding and pumping, it just got a little crazy. No need to worry. The Boobie Brigade has you covered. 

5 tips for breastfeeding moms during the holidays.

1) It's OK to say no.

You don't have to go to every event. You don't have to go to any. I wouldn't suggest that. But if you don't want to do something, DON"T! You know what is best for your family. Make sure you are leaving yourself some self care time.

2) Wear the baby!

Trying to avoid playing pass the baby? It's much harder for people to take them when they are attached. If they do want to hold them, it's OK to ask them to wash their hands. 

3) Stay away from peppermint.

Peppermint anything is so yummy this time of year but can make your supply dip. Not everyone is effect by it however it isn't really worth the risk. Ask before you taste. Not all peppermint items have real peppermint.

4) Be ready for the naysayers.

Hopefully you will never have to deal with family and friends making rude comments about your breastfeeding. If you do, be ready! Arm yourself with facts and have humor. We have a whole post about this! (coming soon!)

5) Let your nursling take the lead.

Holidays can be overwhelming for your nursling. Make sure you are following their cues. Take breaks when you need too. Print our do not disturb signs so you can have alone time when needed. 


Have something to add to the list? Comment below! 

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