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USA Opposes the WHO Code for Breastfeeding.

With all the news all over social media I wanted to have one spot for my mamas to come and get the right facts. Below I have gathered a few posts about the USA opposition to the breastfeeding resolution. 


If you want to learn about the political side of this, read the New York Times Article.  

"American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children."

Read it here. 


NPR talks about how important breastfeeding is for under developed countries around the world. 

The first problem arises because powdered formula requires a dependable source of clean water, which is not available to some 780 million people, according to the World Health Organization. "In countries where women live in poor households with poor sanitation, it becomes a matter of life and death," says Rafael Perez-Escamilla, director of Global Health Concentration at the Yale School of Public Health. "If the water is not clean, formula becomes a death sentence for the infant."

Read more here


Milky Mammas has a great article about this too. 

These measures set forth by The Code have an incredible impact on breastfeeding rates. In a breakdown of how formula marketing impacts families, the Best for Babes website states,

Tremendous damage to mothers and babies occurs when formula companies market their products directly to parents through hospitals, physicians, health care professionals, and networking, peer support and “education” groups (such as expecting mother “classes”, lunches or events). We love to claim we are savvier at looking past the claims of a print ad or commercial – even when studies show us that rates of breastfeeding decline when formula advertising increases–but it is undeniable that we are easily influenced and persuaded by our trusted doctors, family members, and peers.

Read more here

There is also a country wide nurse-in being planned. Please head to the FB event page to see how you can take part. 

Click here to join event.




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