Make Pumping at Work Easier:
Heading back to work can be hard. Let these tips make it a little easier on you.
1. Set a schedule
Let your coworkers know what your day is going to look like. This will help a ton with
planning meetings and conferences. It will also be a big help if you are sharing the
pumping room with other mamas.
2. Use a hands-free pumping bra
This is a lifesaver for hands-free multi-tasking or so you can just sit and read a book while you pump and do something you deserve to do – relax!
3. Store your pump parts in a zip-lock bag in the refrigerator
Do this and you’ll save oodles of time because you won't have to clean them EVERY
time you pump.
4. Keep extra parts at work
Leave those spare pump parts at your office. There will come a day when you forget a flange or some other necessary piece. It’s worth it to keep the extra bits around just in case.
5. Keep a picture of your nursling around
Having a picture of your little one will not only help with let-down but it will also be a great reminder to why you are pumping in the first place.
Have anything to add? Drop it in the comments and share it with us.