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Breastfeeding in the Summer: What You Need to Know.

Get ready to enjoy the summer while out and about with your nurslings. 

Just Like any other time of year, you are 100% able to nurse in public. Don't hesitate to go to all those concerts in the park or neighborhood BBQ's. 

There is no need to worry about keeping your nursling hydrated. Keep nursing on demand. Remember your milk changes to meet your nurslings needs. They do not need water! 

Keep yourself hydrated. Drink to thirst. You might find you are nursing a little more on those hot days, remember to take care of yourself too.  

Find a shady place to nurse. You do not want to be covering up your nursling while it is so hot out. Finding a shady place to nurse will help relax both of you.  

Wear easy to nurse in tanks. There is no need to bother with the two-shirt method when it gets hot out. All of I'm the Pacifier tank tops are great for nursing while out and about. They also work great for nursing while baby wearing. If you do want extra coverage checkout the summer poncho. This is only available for a limited time.  

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