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Rebecca's Tales from the Pacifier.

My Breastfeeding Journey

When I think about my breastfeeding journey, I don't think that it’s all that special. For me nothing major stands out about it. But when I tell my story, people see it differently.


Looking back on the last seven years, I guess it really was amazing. As of 2018, I have breastfed for over 7 years. Of those 7 years, I tandem nursed for 5 of them. I nursed through 3 pregnancies too. During these 7 years, I always nursed multiple times per night. Only one of my four kids took a bottle on the regular. The ones who are weaned didn't do so until 3 ½ and 4 years old. Right now, I have 2 that STILL nurse!


I have survived thrush, acid reflux, torticollis, over-supply and clogged ducts. I have been bitten, kicked, slapped and scratched while nursing (thankfully, by my kids and not by random strangers). have had my eyes poked and my nose picked (again, all by my own kids). I have been given false information (this came from strangers). I have struggled through PPD and breastfeeding aversion.


I could go on and on with rich details of all of the above, but I will save that for another day. My biggest take away with breastfeeding so far is support. I have been blessed with a wonderful support system. Support and knowledge make the biggest difference with breastfeeding.


That is one of the reasons why I run I'm the Pacifier. I want to arm moms with knowledge. I want to break the cycle of myths and make breastfeeding information common knowledge. That way, when another mom deals with any of the above, she will be able to work through it. Because, if I am being honest, all of the above have ended other moms breastfeeding journeys.


I hope my story inspires other moms to nurse their babies. To keep on going until they are ready to stop.


Breastfeeding problems are 99% fixable. Just reach out and find the right support.

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