Today I want you to meet Kristy from Breastfeeding Mama Talk. Right now Piper Marie is partnered up with her to help raise money to re-work her website, as well as, some other items. She works hard to help support and educate mama’s about breastfeeding!
How did you become involved in the breastfeeding movement?
When I learned about all the controversy that surrounded breastfeeding I felt a since of duty to be a voice for all breastfeeding moms. I also felt a duty to make mamas aware of their rights. I wanted people to be educated on the many benefits of breastmilk.
Did you think BFMT would get this big?
Absolutely not! I thought I’d be lucky to get 500 followers. This September marks three years since I created BFMT and I still pinch myself in amazement everyday. It isn’t so much that I have all these followers it’s that I’m able to voice my message and support to so many mamas. I knew this was my calling and purpose in life once the testimonials and thank you’s started rolling in! Every thank you message is like Christmas to me. It’s my drug. To think the community I created is genuinely helping mamas decide to breastfeed, breastfeed longer, and breastfeed in public with confidence.
Absolutely not! I thought I’d be lucky to get 500 followers. This September marks three years since I created BFMT and I still pinch myself in amazement everyday. It isn’t so much that I have all these followers it’s that I’m able to voice my message and support to so many mamas. I knew this was my calling and purpose in life once the testimonials and thank you’s started rolling in! Every thank you message is like Christmas to me. It’s my drug. To think the community I created is genuinely helping mamas decide to breastfeed, breastfeed longer, and breastfeed in public with confidence.
What is your pacifier story?
Well it’s ironic because I didn’t have a great experience that I encourage others to have. I only lasted 3 months . I didn’t have the support or the confidence. Which is another thing that sparked my passion into having a better experience I wish that I had.
What do you hope for the BFMT group?
I hope that BFMT continues to grow, I hope it continues to offer support to many more mamas to come, I hope to one day be taken seriously as a resource like LLL and KellyMom, I hope to bring on admins who specializes in all different areas such as car seat safety, nutrition, to add to the list of RNs and LCs we have on board already. I hope to invent a badass app …
Where do you see yourself and this group being in 5 years?
I see myself being a certified breastfeeding educator and working with my local WIC office somehow. For some reason I feel a calling and think I could make real change. It will also be a way I can personally connect with these mamas! I want to be able to offer BFMT as a legit recommended resource and I want other health professionals to recommend BFMT to their patients. I would like to have BFMT state reps so if a mama was in need of serious support say if a breastfeeding discrimination occurred they would be there. Also to have BFMT support groups all over the world ! I also hope to connect milk sharing mamas with mamas in need of milk!
I see myself being a certified breastfeeding educator and working with my local WIC office somehow. For some reason I feel a calling and think I could make real change. It will also be a way I can personally connect with these mamas! I want to be able to offer BFMT as a legit recommended resource and I want other health professionals to recommend BFMT to their patients. I would like to have BFMT state reps so if a mama was in need of serious support say if a breastfeeding discrimination occurred they would be there. Also to have BFMT support groups all over the world ! I also hope to connect milk sharing mamas with mamas in need of milk!